Chakras refer to the seven centers of energy located in our body. Each is responsible for the well-being of specific organs and nerve bundles. The energy should always be directly upwards which is a positive flow. However, when the same energy flows downwards in a negative direction, it will have a negative effect on our well-being. In this blog, “Unlocking the Power Within : A Beginner’s Guide to Chakras” you can learn to tap into the transformative power of chakras.

Out of the many chakras in the entire system of chakras, seven chakras are the most prominent. These main seven chakras start from the first chakra, the root chakra (base of the spine), and ends with the crown chakra (top of the head). In the following section, I’ll briefly explain about each chakra, offering essential insights to help you comprehend and balance your energy centers.

Muladhara Chakra / Root Chakra

The Root Chakra also known as the Muladhara Chakra is located at the base of the spine, between the anus and the genitals. Mula means root, adhara means foundation. It is associated with the natural element of earth. This chakra is the lowest of the 7 chakras and is linked to the unconscious mind, where it stores our karma/actions and experiences from past lives. This chakra symbolizes itself with a deep red color.

The positive attributes of the Muladhara Chakra are that you feel grounded, stable, confident, balanced, independent, and strong. When the chakras become blocked or imbalanced, the flow of energy is said to be impeded. Thus resulting in negative qualities like laziness, inertia, self-centredness and domination by one’s physical desires.

Some of the methods to activate your Muladhara chakra are as follows :

  • Meditating on the Root Chakra
  • Meditating with the Chin mudra (palm facing down)
  • Chanting Beej Mantra “LAM” 108 times

Svadhisthana Chakra / Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra is the second of the seven chakras. It is located just below the navel, right in the center of your lower belly. Svadhisthana means “where you are established”. It is associated with the natural element of water. The Muladhara Chakra is the storehouse of our Karmas, however these are activated in Svadhishthana Chakra. Awakening of the this Chakra brings clarity and development of an individual’s personality. The level of consciousness of the this Chakra is the subconscious, the sphere of consciousness that lies between sleeping and waking. This chakra is associated with the colour orange.

A person with an open and balanced Sacral Chakra has the ability to enjoy the senses with discipline and keep their emotions and relationships in balance. When the second chakra is unbalanced, it causes emotional disturbances, reduced creativity, and an obsession with sexual thoughts.

Some of the methods to activate your Muladhara chakra are as follows :

  • Meditating on the Sacral Chakra
  • Meditating with the Dhyana mudra
  • Chanting Beej Mantra “VAM” 108 times

Manipura Chakra / Solar plexus Chakra

The Manipura Chakra is the third of the seven chakras. It is located at the navel and is associated with the natural element of fire. Manipūra means “City of Jewels” where we find the pearls of clarity, wisdom, self-awareness, self-confidence and wellbeing. The colour of this chakra is yellow.

When the mind rests in manipura it becomes still, calm, and poised. Intuition comes online, and passion and willpower are enhanced. It is the center of psychic intuition enabling a vague sense of knowing referred to sometimes as listening to the gut. The imbalance of this chakra usually manifests in the form of low self-confidence, uncontrolled anger and irritation, insecurity, doubt, lack of motivation etc.

Some of the methods to activate your Manipura chakra are as follows :

  • Meditating on the Solar plexus Chakra
  • Meditating with the Samana mudra
  • Chanting Beej Mantra “RAM” 108 times

Anahata Chakra / Heart Chakra

The fourth energy center, driven by the principles of transformation and integration, is said to act as a bridge between the lower and upper chakras. Thus, balancing the material and spiritual aspirations and facilitating our emotional and physical well-being. Contrary to expectations, the heart chakra does not align with the physical heart but is instead positioned at the center of the chest, in line with the heart. In Sanskrit, it goes by the name Anahata, signifying ‘infinite,’ ‘unhurt,’ or ‘boundless,’ and it associates with the element of air or vayu. The color green is linked with this chakra.

When the energy of the Anahata Chakra flows upward towards spiritual consciousness, we express our feelings as Bhakti, embodying pure divine love and devotion. This allows one to experience love in its purest form without any attachment or expectation. However, if our consciousness sinks down to the spheres of worldly passion, our emotions become confused and unbalanced. It is then that desire, jealousy, sadness and despair overwhelm us.

Some of the methods to activate your Anahata chakra are as follows :

  • Meditating on the Heart Chakra
  • Meditating with Gyan/Jnana mudra (palm facing up)
  • Chanting Beej Mantra “YAM” 108 times

Vishuddhi Chakra / Throat Chakra

The vishuddhi chakra, or throat center, governs the element of space. Associated with ‘purification’ or ‘cleansing’, it positions itself near the spine in the neck, with the activation point residing in the pit of the throat. Blue is the colour of this chakra.

Poison in the form of a wrong thought, emotion, idea, energy, or impulse can disturb your life. An active Vishuddhi saves you from all these influences, i.e., whatever happens around you will not have an impact on you anymore. You will be established within yourself. Just as Lord Shiva neither spat the poison out, nor swallowed it, we should not swallow our problems as we harm ourselves through this. However, we should also not spit them out as this can cause another type of problem.

Some of the methods to activate your Vishuddhi chakra are as follows :

  • Pranayama techniques like bhramari
  • Meditating with the Akasha mudra
  • Chanting Beej Mantra “HAM” 108 times

Ajna Chakra / Third eye Chakra

“Ajna” means command or beyond wisdom. This chakra is associated with light, illumination and is located in the centre of the forehead, between the eyebrows. You carry wisdom within you, a “light,” that can brighten your path. When you tap into the Ajna chakra you have a greater awareness of the world around you, and your eyes are truly open. This chakra’s colour is indigo.

When the third eye chakra is in balance, you can tune into and trust your intuition and imagination. Also, you see your life with clarity, self-awareness, and emotional balance. However, when this chakra is out of balance, you may have difficulty seeing the bigger picture. Also, you may feel mentally foggy, anxious, or depressed.

Some of the methods to activate your Ajna chakra are as follows :

  • Meditation
  • Meditating with Gyan mudra (palm facing up)
  • Chanting Beej Mantra “AUM” or “OM” 108 times

Sahasrara Chakra / Crown Chakra

The seventh chakra plays a crucial role in our overall spiritual growth and development. Located at the top of your head, this chakra represents universal consciousness. It influences brain functions, including intelligence, focus, and memory. “Sahasrara” means “thousand-petaled” and represents a thousand-petaled lotus flower. This chakra is violet in colour. It is not associated with any physical element.

A balanced crown chakra means you are spiritually connected. Such people are wise beyond their years, show mastery in life, and broad understanding. A closed off crown chakra may cause one to find the thought of spirituality frightening or unlikely. If this crown chakra lacks energy, learning and evolving intellectually can become challenging.

Some of the methods to activate your Sahasrara chakra are as follows :

  • Pranayama techniques like Kapalabhati
  • Meditating with the Akasha mudra
  • Chanting Beej Mantra “AUM” or “OM” 108 times

In this beginner’s guide to chakras i have just touched upon the basics of chakras. As my understanding of this topic deepens, I look forward to explore and share more insights in the upcoming blog posts.

Further Reading :