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Tag Virtualization

vSphere beginner’s guide

vSphere is a server virtualization platform from VMware. It serves as a complete platform for implementing and managing virtual machine (VM) infrastructure on a large scale. VMware vSphere includes the VMware ESX / ESXi hypervisor, a type 1 hypervisor that… Continue Reading →

Network Function Virtualization(NFV) & SDN made simple

NFV or Network Function/s Virtualization is all about Cloudification of Telecommunication Network elements(NE->VNF). To be more specific, Network functions virtualization is a network architecture concept that uses the technologies of IT virtualization to virtualize entire classes of network functions into… Continue Reading →

Introduction to Virtualization and Cloud computing

Recently i spent a great deal of time studying about Virtualization and Cloud computing as part of work. I would like to share my understanding here. When we listen to the words Virtualization and cloud computing, we may think that… Continue Reading →

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