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Tag Data Analysis

Power Query Tips & Tricks

In my previous blog on Power Query (PQ), I had covered the fundamental tips for getting started with the tool. In this post on Power Query tips & tricks, we’ll delve into topics ranging from basic to advanced. With Power… Continue Reading →

Microsoft Power BI : Getting Started Guide

Microsoft Power BI is a business intelligence (BI) platform that provides users with tools for aggregating, analyzing, visualizing and sharing data. Power BI’s user interface is fairly intuitive for users familiar with Excel and Power query, and its deep integration… Continue Reading →

Getting Started with Power Query

Power Query is a data automation tool. It can be used to perform ETL tasks like importing data from external sources, common tasks on the imported data like cleanse & prepare data, stack or merge data sets, group & summarize… Continue Reading →

Microsoft Forms : Getting Started Guide

Microsoft Forms can be used to create surveys, quizzes, polls and questionnaires. These features can be used at organizations to survey employees or customers on any topic, gather feedback on training and coaching, ask for advice on projects and key… Continue Reading →

AppSheet : The No-code App Development Platform

I was using MS Excel to keep track of my expenses and was thinking about using Excel VBA to automate the entry. But when i came across the Google AppSheet platform i had no more thoughts about automating with Excel… Continue Reading →

Data Visualization : Google Data Studio Dashboard Basics

In one of my previous blogs i had detailed upon dashboard creation using MS Excel. Here, i will be focusing on the Google Data Studio dashboard creation. MS Excel, Google sheets are spreadsheet programs that can be used to capture,… Continue Reading →

Data Visualization : MS Excel Dashboard Basics

Dashboards are reporting tools meant to help users or decision makers make business decisions. They provide a simple view that presents all information to understand the key results, show trends and risky areas. By the way, the term “dashboard” is… Continue Reading →

Understanding Google Sheets Basics

In case you are familiar with MS Excel, by first look you might feel that Google Sheets and Excel are similar. Though it is true to some extent, however you need to know a few things in order to utilize… Continue Reading →

Working on MS Excel using Python OpenPyXL Library

Openpyxl is a Python library to read/write Excel xlsx/xlsm/xltx/xltm files. This can be particularly helpful in data analysis wherein, user might have to go through thousands of rows and pick out few handful information to make small changes based on… Continue Reading →

Data Analysis using Excel

Introduction With the flood of data available to businesses these days, companies are turning to analytics solutions to extract meaning from the huge volumes of data to help improve decision making and boost businesses across industries. Data analytics is a… Continue Reading →

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