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Tag Wellbeing

Exploring Ancient Wisdom of Mantra for Modern Life

The Vedas define mantra as “mananāt trāyatē iti mantrah” ,i.e., the contemplation or sustained repetition of which protects us from all miseries. In other words, mantra is the procedure that frees the mind from its own obsessive-compulsive thinking which is… Continue Reading →

Book Review : The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up

This was a long-pending book on my reading list that I eventually read. After finishing the book, the sole thought I had was that I should implement the knowledge I gained as soon as possible. I am convinced that this… Continue Reading →

Unlocking the Power Within : A Beginner’s Guide to Chakras

Chakras refer to the seven centers of energy located in our body. Each is responsible for the well-being of specific organs and nerve bundles. The energy should always be directly upwards which is a positive flow. However, when the same… Continue Reading →

Harnessing the Transformative Power of Mudras

Mudra in Sanskrit means using the fingers to make specific gesture of the hand. According to Ayurvedic school of medicine, the human body is made up of five natural elements (fire, air, space, earth, and water), which are represented by… Continue Reading →

Book Review : The Four Pillar Plan

This was a long pending book on my reading list that I finally finished reading recently. Just when the book was released a few years back, I had listened to a lot of podcasts featuring the author that raised my… Continue Reading →

Vision Board : A Tool To Manifest Your Dreams

A vision board is a visualization tool for attracting the results that you intend to manifest in your life. This board of your future vision can include your dreams, goals and ideal life. The manifesting part is made possible by… Continue Reading →

Rules to Live By to Thrive at Life/Work

In this blog post I will try to list out some the rules that I have incorporated in my life over the years. These rules have become a part of my life with experience. As the saying goes, “Experience is… Continue Reading →

To Think Like a Stoic

Stoicism was an influential school of philosophy that had originated about twenty two centuries ago in Greece. Zeno of Citium was its founder. Stoicism eventually became one of the most famous and far reaching philosophies across the Roman world. The… Continue Reading →

Book Review : IKIGAI

I came across this book name “Ikigai” on a social media platform. Apart from being a bestseller, what aroused my interest about the book was its spiritual essence and the life improvement ideas that it promises to provide the reader. My… Continue Reading →

Bhagavad Gita to be a Better You

I am writing this blog post after going through an english version of the Bhagavad Gita text and a lot of online videos. I can only say that I have understood some of the points and will require many more… Continue Reading →

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