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To Think Like a Stoic

Stoicism was an influential school of philosophy that had originated about twenty two centuries ago in Greece. Zeno of Citium was its founder. Stoicism eventually became one of the most famous and far reaching philosophies across the Roman world. The… Continue Reading →

Year End Tax Adjustment Process in Japan

As the year comes to a close in Japan, it is common for employees of private companies and government to fill their year end tax adjustment forms. In case you are self employed then there is a separate process called… Continue Reading →

Blogging : My 3 Year Milestone

When i started my first blog 3 years ago, i never ever thought that i would come this far. Be it blogging or anything else, a periodic lookback helps to  realign our focus that may have diverted from the goal…. Continue Reading →

Book Review : IKIGAI

I came across this book name “Ikigai” on a social media platform. Apart from being a bestseller, what aroused my interest about the book was its spiritual essence and the life improvement ideas that it promises to provide the reader. My… Continue Reading →

Bhagavad Gita to be a Better You

I am writing this blog post after going through an english version of the Bhagavad Gita text and a lot of online videos. I can only say that I have understood some of the points and will require many more… Continue Reading →

Book Review : The Silva Mind Control Method

I came across the book name “The Silva Mind Control Method” when I was listening to a pocast. The podcast founder mentioned this book to have brought transformation in his life. Since I regularly meditate, the topic of mind control… Continue Reading →

Book Review : Mindfulness in Plain English

I came across the book “Mindfulness in Plain English” when I was searching for good books on meditation. This being one of the most read books on meditation increased my curiosity towards it. I am practicing meditation since past few years…. Continue Reading →

My 5 Years in Japan : A Summary

As I am writing this blog at Bangalore/Bengaluru, I can recollect most of my experiences over the past 5 years at Japan. Since I would like to write it in a single blog post, will highlight only the important points…. Continue Reading →

Mindfulness in the Workplace

I had detailed upon the topic of mindfulness in one of my earlier blog posts. Here i would like to highlight the importance and the ways to practice mindfulness at work as part of your daily routine. Meditation applies the… Continue Reading →

Importance of Morning Routine

Each of us are what we repeatedly do, what we repeatedly say, what we repeatedly believe in. Excellence, positivity, joy, then, are not mere acts but habits. Habits are what we cultivate, repeat, and live. What this means is that… Continue Reading →

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