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Tag Wellbeing

Book Review : The Silva Mind Control Method

I came across the book name “The Silva Mind Control Method” when I was listening to a pocast. The podcast founder mentioned this book to have brought transformation in his life. Since I regularly meditate, the topic of mind control… Continue Reading →

Book Review : Mindfulness in Plain English

I came across the book “Mindfulness in Plain English” when I was searching for good books on meditation. This being one of the most read books on meditation increased my curiosity towards it. I am practicing meditation since past few years…. Continue Reading →

My 5 Years in Japan : A Summary

As I am writing this blog at Bangalore/Bengaluru, I can recollect most of my experiences over the past 5 years at Japan. Since I would like to write it in a single blog post, will highlight only the important points…. Continue Reading →

Mindfulness in the Workplace

I had detailed upon the topic of mindfulness in one of my earlier blog posts. Here i would like to highlight the importance and the ways to practice mindfulness at work as part of your daily routine. Meditation applies the… Continue Reading →

Importance of Morning Routine

Each of us are what we repeatedly do, what we repeatedly say, what we repeatedly believe in. Excellence, positivity, joy, then, are not mere acts but habits. Habits are what we cultivate, repeat, and live. What this means is that… Continue Reading →

Techniques to Tame the Monkey Mind

Those who are following my posts regularly might have read my earlier posts on meditation, karma yoga and mind control basics. In this post i will also be taking inputs from my above mentioned posts to list the various tools… Continue Reading →

Essential EMF Protection Tools Everyone Should Own

In this blog post i would like to list the essential EMF protection tools to stay safe from the different kinds of man-made EMF both in the occupational environments and in everyday life. Since the exposure to radiation cannot be… Continue Reading →

The 5G Era & EMF Protection : Points to Ponder

Since physical and mental well-being are my areas of interest, i have picked up the topic of EMF protection with respect to 5G technology. The 5G rollout has begun and is active in many cities around the world. With 5G… Continue Reading →

Minimalism : The COVID-19 lockdown takeaways for work and life

Minimalism is a word that carries a lot of weight these days, even though it’s a concept that has been around for centuries. Minimalism refers to a lifestyle that is about living with less, get rid of clutter that doesn’t… Continue Reading →

Importance of Karma Yoga in Today’s World

Basics Stress has become a normal part of life. You can feel stress when you worry about things like your job, money, relationships etc. However, when you are constantly reacting to stressful situations without making adjustments to counter the effects,… Continue Reading →

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